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Our Purpose & Mission

AsiAfrica Ministries, Inc. proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ through education and evangelism. We are committed to proclaiming the Good News of God's love for all people as revealed in Jesus Christ. 


In Kenya, a group of pastors and church leaders receive manuals for Course 101, "The Christian Doctrine of God,"
from the Academy of Bible and Theology.


We produce, print and distribute free educational resources for pastors, evangelists and other Church leaders in the Global South. Our resources are designed to provide a solid foundation in the basic truths of the Christian faith, particularly for pastors and evangelists in impoverished rural areas who cannot afford formal training in Bible schools or seminaries.


We also provide internet-based training through our Academy of Bible and Theology

To learn more, click here.



Evangelism involves the production, printing and distribution of tracts and booklets that boldly and clearly proclaim the good news of God's love for all as revealed in Jesus Christ. Our resources are translated into several languages and are distributed by our ministry partners in east Africa and south Asia.


To learn more, click here.


In India, a woman reads our Gospel tract, "Good News for Everyone," in her own language.

"All our speech about God must begin with Jesus. In Jesus, the Son of God, we learn that God is 'Father.' In Jesus, we learn that 'God is love.' In Jesus, God has reconciled to himself all people everywhere throughout all time. All are included in the love of God revealed in Jesus. This is the good news we must proclaim to the world."

Martin M. Davis, PhD, President, AsiAfrica Ministries, Inc.

© 2025 by AsiAfrica Ministries, Inc. (USA)

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